McGovern Newsletter Design

McGovern Institute newsletter and infographic design

Mini Magazine

We transformed the McGovern Institute quarterly newsletter into a mini magazine, which has become an important fundraising and communications tool for the McGovern community. We developed the content strategy for the mini magazine in collaboration with the McGovern team and we conducted a user study to confirm and revise the approach and concept.

The newsletter exists in a print as well as digital (e-newsletter). The new graphic design resulted in increased readership, confirmed via e-newsletter analytics, and recipients of the print newsletter have commented about how much they enjoy the new reading experience.

Annual Report Design

We also designed 2 annual reports — for the Hock E. Tan and K. Lisa Yang Center for Autism Research and Poitras Center for Psychiatric Disorders Research. The designs feature the exciting research as well as a summary of the financials.

Connecting research to real world applications.

MITInfographicsInfographicsIconographyIllustrationProcess GraphicsMarketing MaterialsMarketing MaterialsAdvertising DesignReports & PublicationsReports & PublicationsAnnual Report DesignMagazines & EditorialIndustryIndustryEducation14custom infographics designed