Motion Graphics

Animated GIFs & Icons • Brand Videos • Explainer Videos

Animated GIFs & Icons

Nothing captivates audiences like motion. Our team creates animated GIFs for social media and digital platforms designed to delight and engage. Subtly animated icons are one of the most helpful design elements for organizing information, adding visual interest to content-rich pieces, and infusing excitement to an otherwise static page.

Brand Videos

Brand videos are an impactful way to communicate important concepts and build excitement around a brand, product, or idea. Strategically weaving together your brand visuals, we create videos for external and internal audiences, for advertising, onboarding, training and development, and everything in between.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos simplify complex ideas into compelling stories. Our team manages every part of the process — concept ideation, script development, visual storyboarding, voice recording, music selection, illustration, animation, editing, final production, and more. Let’s bring your vision to life.