Improving human wellbeing at a global scale

Yang Tan Collective

Branding for a growing Collective

The Yang Tan Collective at MIT consists of six distinct centers dedicated to improving human health, all administered by the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a long time client of ours.

When we began our partnership with McGovern, only one center existed under what is now known as the Collective, the Hock E. Tan and K. Lisa Yang Center for Autism Research. Over the course of our relationship, we have witnessed the Collective’s exponential growth with the addition of five more cutting-edge centers. We collaborated on the logo designs for four of these new centers and were most recently tasked with creating a cohesive and eye-catching master brand for the entire Collective.




Reports & Publications


Logos (5)

Research Reports


Logo design

We worked closely with the client to craft logos for the Center for Molecular Therapeutics, the ICoN Center, the Center for Bionics, and the Brain-Body Center. Collaborating directly with the lead researchers of each center, we made sure the logos visually captured the important work they are doing. For the Center for Molecular Therapeutics, this meant depicting the precision with which they treat brain disorders using novel molecular tools. For the Brain-Body Center, it involved illustrating the interplay between the brain and body, creating a visual that merged a neuron with a human form.

When it came time to design the Collective’s logo, it was important for it to stand out from the individual center logos. Given all of the center logos are combination marks, we decided a wordmark with a custom twist in the letters would suit the Collective best. We stylized the A’s in “Yang Tan” as upward arrows to represent the momentum and exponential growth driven by the research within the Collective.

2023 Impact report

To showcase the groundbreaking research and technologies within the Collective over the past year, we collaborated with them to compile stories from all six centers into a comprehensive impact report for donors. This report highlights not only the research and top discoveries of the year but also includes a profile of a researcher from each center.

To create a cohesive design, we utilized each center's color palette within their respective sections and applied the Collective’s master branding for the cover and introduction. This approach allowed readers to feel immersed in each center’s section without any sense of disjointedness. The cover, bold and high-contrast in design, features an oversized arrow from their logo applied in a clear foil, adding a dynamic element.

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Researcher illustrations

As part of the research report we did for the Center for Autism Research, we were asked to create custom illustrations of the talented researchers featured throughout the report. We tested three different styles with the client before selecting the final one. The chosen style, characterized by high contrast lines and fills with a single pop color, complements the report’s overall aesthetic and reflects the dynamic research being conducted. Each portrait is layered with a shape from the center’s logo to seamlessly integrate with the overarching branding.

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