Unraveling the mysteries of the brain

McGovern Institute

The McGovern Institute is a collaborative community of world-class, highly specialized researchers who set out to explore and understand the brain in order to help people with brain disorders and enhance the human experience. Through our long-term relationship with the McGovern team, not only have we learned a lot about neuroscience, we have also been able to work with them on a rebranding, website redesign, the design of their quarterly newsletter, BrainScan, and inumerous other design deliverables.




Marketing Materials

Motion Graphics

Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development

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Brand research informs design

Opus conducted brand research to guide decisions for the McGovern Institute logo. We rigorously tested the existing logo with various users, explored brand evolution, and designed and user-tested new logos. After evaluating several options with the target audiences, McGovern chose an option that modernizes the original logo while retaining its essence. The outcome is also easier to use across scales small and large, and special applications like embroidery and debossing.

BrainScan newsletter

We transformed the McGovern Institute's quarterly newsletter into a mini magazine, now a key fundraising and communications tool for the McGovern community. Collaborating with the McGovern team, we developed the content strategy and conducted a user study to refine our approach and concept.

The newsletter is available in both print and digital formats. The redesign has increased readership, as confirmed by e-newsletter analytics, and print recipients have praised the new reading experience. Each issue of BrainScan features a informative and impactful infographic as the centerfold, visualizing data relevant to the theme. Below are examples of infographics we've created on topics ranging from microorganisms to CRISPR.

To celebrate their 20th anniversary, a special issue of BrainScan was created. We designed the logo for the milestone that was then used prominently on the cover and as a design element throughout. The issue featured stories and custom portraits of 20 researchers.

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Website design

Along with being accessible, the redesigned site needed an updated look and feel, excellent user experience, new content, integration for automatic website updates such as publications and events, and an easy-to-use content management system. The site also features an interactive infographic.

In UX design we were challenged with identifying the actual audience, vs the perceived audience. Two very different primary user groups were identified: Researchers and General Information Seekers. The former wanted to stay on top of the latest research findings, the latter to find information about a particular disease or disorder. Our goal was to ensure that both groups can easily find relevant content — this was informed by digging into some serious analytics on the old site.

Accessible and interactive

We designed the McGovern Institute’s website to be interactive, reflecting their innovative brain research while ensuring accessibility for users with assistive technologies. The “Explore the Brain” section educates general information seekers about the faculty’s research. We tailored solutions for various devices, influenced by user behavior, and ensured compliance with WCAG 2.0 level AA.

Our design, featuring vibrant colors, high contrast, and a clean structure, balances easy navigation with a contemporary look. For non-researchers, we created an interactive infographic on brain layers and related research, including a Q&A feature.

McGovern’s seven research areas were visually captured in unique icons, each abstracted from reference images to clearly communicate specific topics. Collaborating with the McGovern team, we developed the final icon set through extensive exploration and feedback.

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