College of Journalism and Communications

University of Florida

Preparing future communication leaders

The University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications is nationally recognized for its top-tier programs and hands-on learning opportunities, bridging theoretical knowledge with real-world practice. With exceptional faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, students thrive in a dynamic environment, collaborating with professionals in media and strategic communication. Opus began our partnership with the CJC team back in 2019 to bring the innovative quality of their program to life in their yearly Dean’s Report.


Reports & Publications

Website Design & Development

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Eye-catching communications

The 2024 Dean’s Report addressed a not uncommon print challenge — how to fit a lot of content in a limited space. The solution was to pair a shorter print piece, that highlighted the College's incredible accomplishments over the past year, with a microsite where the reader could easily access more stories. The printed report served as an eye-catching summary with QR codes and URLs throughout to connect readers to the microsite. We worked with the client team to leverage the master UF brand guidelines in a way that was unique and fresh for the College of Journalism and Communications, and to strategize how to best intertwine the print and microsite portions of the report.

From print to web

The microsite, built in Webflow, was designed to seamlessly extend the report experience. It features a homepage that is a snapshot of all the top stories, with typography, color palettes, and design elements that all feel true to the print version. The microsite allows for space to expand on content, creating a more robust experience for visitors who make their way from the print report to the microsite.

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