Bake More. Feel Better.

Flourish Fiber from the Farm

Complete branding

Bay State Milling partnered with us to conceptualize and launch their first consumer product brand — Flourish. Together, we thoughtfully and expeditiously brought this revolutionary brand to life. We established a robust brand strategy and drafted key messaging, identified and tested a brand name, designed a logo, packaging, and social media graphics, built an engaging website, created compelling infographics and presentations, and more.




Website Design & Development

CMYK: 89, 40, 57, 21

RGB: 7, 105, 102

HEX: #076966

CMYK: 14, 43, 100, 13

RGB: 194, 136, 34

HEX: #C28822

CMYK: 7, 28, 92, 0

RGB: 237, 183, 51

HEX: #EDB733

CMYK: 13, 6, 11, 0

RGB: 221, 227, 221


CMYK: 1, 4, 7, 0

RGB: 251, 242, 232


Since Flourish, a naturally high fiber wheat flour, was an extension of an existing B2B ingredient brand within the Bay State Milling portfolio, we thoughtfully balanced creating an independent but connected visual identity. We built a detailed system of design elements to ensure a consistent consumer experiences across several different media and touch points.

Captivating packaging

Successful food packaging requires the thoughtful marriage of some critical goals: engaging target consumers, addressing regulatory requirements, and providing the most useful information to inspire consumers to purchase. With a commitment to disciplined simplicity, we were able to create a front panel design that stands out in the category and quickly grabs the attention of consumers. On the back panel, we took advantage of every bit of space to present valuable supporting information and expanded storytelling in an easy-to-follow and uncrowded way.

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Website design

We worked closely with the Bay State Milling team to determine how their website could best support their overall sales growth and brand development goals. Through our discovery process we identified the most important user experience considerations and the most impactful content strategy. Among many other things this involved managing the food and lifestyle photography process, copywriting and copyediting support, and infographic design to quickly educate consumers about several compelling points of difference.

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