DetecTogether, formerly 15-40 Connection, partnered with us to reposition and rebrand their organization to better represent their evolving mission and more meaningfully engage their target audiences. DetecTogether focuses on raising awareness for early cancer detection and empowering individuals to take an active role in their healthcare. Initially, they focused on building awareness with 15 to 40 year olds who thought they were invincible, but DetecTogether later recognized that their powerful program was critical for everyone of all ages.
Motion Graphics
Website Design & Development
Brand Strategy
Logo Design
Visual Identity
CMYK: 98, 75, 2, 0
RGB: 17, 68, 134
HEX: #114486
CMYK: 5, 80, 100, 0
RGB: 243, 116, 53
HEX: #F37334
CMYK: 0, 38, 95, 0
RGB: 251, 170, 38
CMYK: 77, 76, 1, 0
RGB: 86, 86, 163
HEX: #5656A3
CMYK: 62, 34, 0, 0
RGB: 99, 147, 205
HEX: #6393CD
DetecTogether had the foresight to partner with us to rediscover their brand strategy before moving forward with renaming and visual design. We worked closely with the leadership team and select members of their board of directors to establish clear and aligned articulations of their higher purpose, brand persona, audience profiles, and points of difference. This work came further to life as we drafted 12 different messaging pillars to serve as the foundation for messaging and communication.
DetecTogether’s website is crucial tool in building greater awareness of their life-saving “3 Step Detect” process for early cancer detection. We crafted an engaging user experience and custom icons to more quickly and clearly convey their powerful message. The website also establishes warm, human connections by highlighting real success stories and by sharing their practical advice for early cancer detection. Its upbeat design helps inspires the positivity that can be realized by taking control of our health.
After finalizing naming, branding, and a new website, DetecTogether asked us to create an explainer video for their three-step cancer detection roadmap. We crafted a concise, empathetic script to fit a 30-second spot, suitable for multiple platforms, which included a stadium jumbotron, classroom presentations, and television. We collaborated on voice recording to ensure proper cadence and sound quality and selected background music that matched the optimistic yet serious tone of the message.