MIT Housing Report

MIT Housing Report

Charts, Graphs, Tables - oh no! OH YES!!

The MIT Graduate Housing report includes many data visualizations: charts, graphs, and tables. The goal of this report for the office of Vice Chancellor is to give clear information to the decision makers. The graduate population at MIT has seen a recent growth, and the housing options have not met that growth. Graduate students want affordable housing with close proximity to the campus.What better way to inform these important decisions, than with beautiful data visualizations. So the team hired our graphic design company to help them create visually engaging, descriptive charts, graphs and tables.

The project:

So to influence the decision makers the Opus Design team led by Creative Director, Lily Robles and designer, Heidi Scammon collaborated and went to work.This report is 90% charts and each chart is redrawn to be clear, concise and fit the design. Organizing the charts and working in excel with spreadsheets is certainly a challenge for some designers. Heidi rose to the challenge and transformed data driven spreadsheets into descriptive illustrator charts.


Opus is no stranger to MIT, but this was their first time working with the Office of Vice Chancellor. However, Vice Chancellor Ian Waits and Lily Robles had already worked together in 2006. Working with Lauren Pouchak, from the Office of the Vice Chancellor came with the approvals from old friends. Opus was thrilled when the office was so pleased with the report.

Graphs charts

Check out the full report here

Publication Design

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