Courtney Jo Fraser Joins Opus as Design Strategy Director

Courtney Jo Fraser Joins Opus as Design Strategy Director
Courtney Jo Fraser

One of the best things about 2021 so far is having Courtney Jo Fraser join Opus as Design Strategy Director. Courtney Jo has a unique professional background that combines design with brand and market strategy, in a variety of B2B and B2C settings. She understands the design process first hand, as well as the perspective from the client and business side. We are honored and grateful to have Courtney Jo on our team and hope you get to meet her soon! Until then, here's a little more about CJ...

Q: What will you be doing at Opus?

A: I’ll be doing mostly design strategy, working directly with clients in the early stages of a project to clearly understand their goals and help translate them into effective content and design direction. I’ll also be doing some brand strategy work, which I’m really excited about.

Q: What is Design Strategy and how does that help clients and designers at Opus?

A: I think the best way to describe it is bridging the client’s business needs with the creative process to ensure the designs we are delivering are as successful as possible. That means asking the client a lot of questions about who the audience is, what format is best for that audience, where is this going to be consumed, how do we want the audience to use the piece, what do we want them to feel about your product / brand after viewing this, and most importantly - what’s the goal or action we hope they’ll take after seeing our work? Once we get the answers to these questions (and many more!) we can help “shape” the content to ensure it’s working for the audience needs, and ultimately the business goals. Taking the time to work through this step with the client makes the design phase more streamlined because the content, hierarchy, and brand goals are clearly defined to ensure the piece “works” beyond being beautiful.

Q: Where are you from and what do you like to do in your spare time?

CJ and family

A: I’m from Louisville, Kentucky originally and all of my family still lives there so we love visiting. My kids are 2 and 4 years old and we just rescued a puppy, so they keep me busy! We love to be outside as much as we can, hiking, going to the beach or visiting family in Maine. My husband and I love to travel, so I’m hoping to start that again soon now that my kids are a bit bigger. If I get a few hours to myself, I spend it in the garden – I love flowers and plants.

Q: We love that you have experience as a designer as well as a design client. What does it mean to have both perspectives?

A: I think it helps me to truly understand what the client needs from us because I’ve been in their shoes when working with agencies. I know what it’s like to have a call with an agency that leaves you saying “wow, they really got it!” and you feel great about your partner selection and investment. I’ve had the opposite happen too. Usually that stems from feeling heard (or not) so I try really hard to listen and understand the goals of the project. The client knows the business / product / project better than anyone, so our best work will come from marrying their knowledge with our creativity.

Q: Where did you work before joining Opus?

A: There has been a consistent food & beverage theme throughout my career, and I’ve spent most of my time in design and marketing. Starting back in my younger years, I worked almost every front-of-house job from busser to barista to bartender. After college, I got my feet wet in marketing at a hospitality and event company in Charleston, South Carolina, which was incredibly fun. I’ve been an in-house designer/brand manager for two different B2B food manufacturers, Kettle Cuisine and Signature Breads, and after grad school made the pivot to B2C, most recently as a senior commercialization manager at Keurig Dr Pepper.

Q: What made you decide to join Opus?

A: A lot of reasons! First, I think 2020 made us all reflect a little on what we wanted in life and I found myself craving more creativity and purpose in my professional life. I’ve long admired Opus’ work and the fact that they are a woman-owned business and B Corp really resonated with me. After Levon, my long-time mentor and friend, joined the team a few years ago, it really solidified that I wanted to try to be a part of the team if an opportunity should arise – and here we are!

Q: What has been the most surprising thing for you in your first few months at Opus?

A: It’s been awesome to see the true partnership between Opus and our clients. Meetings feel collaborative and warm and fun – not at all stuffy or transactional – it's like we're an extension of the client’s team. You can tell they really trust us and the work. I knew that would be the case knowing Opus and the strength of the designs, but it’s been even better than I was expecting.

Q: How do you create flow when you are working?

A: I’m a neatnik, so I have to clear all of my horizontal surfaces so there isn’t any clutter distracting me. I’ll have a healthy snack like dried mango or mixed nuts and make a cup of peppermint tea, close all my browser windows, hide my phone, and put on an upbeat Spotify playlist. If I have time before I get started, I’ll try to do a quick Headspace meditation to clear my mind of clutter as well.

Q: We heard you made a documentary in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan?What was that like?

A: Hahaha yes, sort of. My very first job after graduating college was as a production coordinator on a young adult adventure/education show. When I signed on at the production company, the trips on the schedule were China, Argentina, and they had just returned from shooting in Australia, so I was pumped to get started. As soon as I came on board though, they lost funding, so we wound up in the Everglades of Florida and the U.P. of Michigan instead. Not *quite* the same as I was expecting! It was still an awesome experience though. I got to feed crocodiles, pet a tiger, see some unique and beautiful parts of the country while filming, and learned about the host’s contagious passion for conservation and protecting our natural resources.

Q: Who are some of the people you follow on Instagram?

A: There are a handful of mindful moms I follow for toddler parenting tips and creative activity ideas, and interior designers I like for inspiration (@Em_Henderson’s farm house has my attention right now!). Celebrity wise, I adore Kristen Bell for her style, sense of humor, and how much good she puts into the world. Pete Souza (Obama and Reagan’s white house photographer) is super interesting because he posts a lot of behind-the-scenes images with the story behind the photo. One of my favorites though is @historycoolkids where they dig up cool old photos and art and give the history of what’s happening in the image or when/how it was created. I always learn something in those posts!

Q: Who are we most likely to find on your Spotify favorites list?

A: When I’m running, it’s Taylor Swift (yes, I’m a proud Swifty!) and Beyonce 100%. If I’m cooking or hanging out with my family, I like reggae, zydeco, ska - anything with an upbeat, playful vibe and bonus if there are horns! I played trumpet in middle school and have always been drawn to the sound of brass instruments.Design for food & beverage

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