Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance design

Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance design

Committed to achieving aggressive long-term carbon reduction goals.

This week Johanna Partin, Director of Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, attends COP21 in Paris, also known as the Paris Climate Conference. This year she has a newly published report as well as a brand new logo, both designed by Opus.


The CNCA is an organization of international member cities committed to achieving aggressive long-term carbon reduction goals. Johanna is based out of San Francisco, but members come from all over the world including Oslo, Sydney, Vancouver, Copenhagen, and Yokohama. All of these cities work collaboratively to test and share best practices to support carbon neutrality. The CNCA is a thought, as well as action-leading group; and until recently, they had no visual brand. Opus worked with members of the global team to develop a mark that represents the positive message of their work. The logo design is an abstract re-imagining of a globe with people, buildings and city references all in a complex, diverse, but balanced arrangement.Shortly after designing the logo, Opus worked quickly to complete their first big report. The "Framework for Long-term Deep Carbon Reduction Planning" is filled with ideas and stories about what member cities are doing around the world. Opus is proud to have provided the logo and graphic design necessary to bring their work and ideas to a public stage.

logo and report design

Publication Design

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