Website design for Boston nonprofit

Website design for Boston nonprofit

The client

Edvestors, a nonprofit organization located in Boston MA. Edvestors is a school improvement organization that combines strategic philanthropy, education expertise, and implementation support to help schools create the conditions for school change.

The project

Edvestors' website was outdated and didn't visualize the vibrant brand and offering of the organization. The goal for this project was to redesign the website, give it a contemporary and engaging look and feel, and inform grant seekers and donors.

Design challenge and approach

Opus designed several infographics and print materials for Edvestors before the website redesign. With these materials (including a case study design, infographics and data graphics, a report and brochure) we designed a cohesive, colorful look and feel. The website design needed to match this visual brand.Deciding on the content for the homepage is always a challenge for websites. What is the most important information website visitors need to know? Do we need a variety of content to satisfy multiple audiences?We decided that Edvestor's framework graphic which visualizes the approach and the initiatives offered provides the key content all first time visitors. We converted the framework graphic into an interactive infographic linking people to additional information for each initiative. For returning (as well as first time) visitors the twitter feed most recent publications and news are displayed below the infographic to provide easy access to the latest content.The responsive website was built with Wordpress, a content management system that allows website administrators to easily maintain content on the website. While using a content management system is pretty easy, we always include a live training session and a manual for our clients to make sure website administrators are comfortable maintaining the site on their own.Visit the website >

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