The Chestnut Hill School Ad

The Chestnut Hill School Ad

The client

The Chestnut Hill School is a wonderful private school for beginners (age 3) through sixth grade located only 1.5 miles from our studio. Founded in 1860, the school has an amazing history and creative spirit.

The project

Opus Design was hired to design an ad for an upcoming Open House. This ad, posted in Copley Square and the Chestnut Hill Mall, was designed to raise awareness for the school and attract potential students and parents. The medium was both print and digital signage.

Design challenge and approach

When working with a design agency you are always looking for a wow factor for an advertisement, something to get people's attention. Sr. Designer Casey McGee, took the client's simple content and brand style to create a physical ad that is literally bigger than life. Here are just a few of the elements that made this design so effective.[media-list]media[media-object media="left"]...[/media-object][media-body title=""]

Life-size ad
  • She understood the brand story: focus on children and Chestnut Hill's desire to focus on their intellectual curiosity.
  • She balanced the blue brand color with a pop of yellow and a new distinct style. The client was thrilled when they saw the new yellow. The style type for curiosity not only matches the youthfulness of the children, but also connects with the parents on their desires for their children.
  • She created hierarchy to where your eye follows the information in a cohesive manner. The hierarchy produces results, consumers are able to respond to the message being presented to them.[/media-body]

[/media][/media-list]The client provided the content and brand colors, but our design agency pulled them all together and created a memorable design to stop and look — and take action.

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