Opus Design Wins Graphis Award

Opus Design Wins Graphis Award

Graphis was founded by Walter Herdeg and Dr. Walter Amstutz in Zurich, Switzerland, and has been publishing the world's best in photography, illustration and graphic design since 1944. Many graphic designers grew up with reading Graphis in school and continue to get inspired by their pages of award-winning graphic design samples.

"Graphis is an international bastion of excellence in design and visual imagery."

For the Graphis Design Annual 2015, a small graphic design studio in Boston is extremely honored to be among them with the Massart Annual Report. On the Graphis website, you'll see 6 pages of detail from the design as well as amazing design from other artists. We are so proud and especially happy that our alma mater is recognized here. Congratulations to the Opus Design team as well as Darlene Gillan and Sonia Targontsidis from MassArt. Woo, woo and thank you Graphis![caption id="attachment_3049" align="aligncenter" width="751"]

massart annual 12-13 opus design

Today, Graphis is located in New York City and its website has archives from annuals including digital versions of past magazines.[/caption]

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